
Agenda Item 65


Subject:                    CYCLE HANGARS


Date of meeting:    15 December 2022


Proposer:                 Councillor Nemeth

Seconder:                Councillor Bagaeen


Ward(s) affected:   All



Notice of Motion


Conservative Group


This Council:


  1. Notes public frustration with and unfavourable national press coverage of the roll-out of the Council’s cycle hangar scheme;


  1. Expresses concern over the use of the Budget process, rather than a standard Officer Report at Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, to implement the scheme; thereby avoiding scrutiny of financial, legal and equality issues and numerous other related matters;


  1. Notes the lack of consultation that has taken place with residents over hangar locations; and


Therefore, resolves to:


  1. Calls for an Officer Report detailing all elements of the cycle hangar scheme.


Supporting Information: